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Let’s get serious about LEVELING UP your ENGLISH

Join me on a journey that will help you take your communication skills to the next level.

Get my free e-lessons, “5 Days to Level Up your Interview Game,”  with proven strategies to confidently show up at your next interview.


For me, your development is personal.

I believe that the path to mastery often winds through the discomfort of growth. From my early days in international schools as a non-native English speaker to navigating the complexities of corporate leadership in multinational organizations, and now as a professional certified coach, my journey has been a tapestry woven with diverse experiences aimed at fostering authentic connection through the art of communication. Along this winding road, I’ve gleaned invaluable insights into the profound impact of effective communication on both personal and professional fulfillment. It’s a humbling journey that continues to teach me the power of words. It’s my deepest honor and privilege to guide professionals as they embrace their voice and forge meaningful connections in the workplace and beyond.


Read my story

Resources for every stage of the journey

Take a self-guided journey to develop a specific communications skill.
Coming soon
30 minutes of dedicated time to define your communication goals and explore personalized strategies for your progress. 
Schedule a 1:1 call
Dive deep into your communications development with personalized guidance.
Schedule a coaching session
I appreciate how Airi gives me advice but doesn’t push me to take it immediately. Getting in the right frame of mind to communicate effectively and delivering more impactful presentations have been my two biggest learnings. She is a mentor that I can continuously learn new skills from. I have a more relaxed mindset which is benefiting me at work and my life in general and I attribute this to our coaching sessions.
Product Designer
Fortune 50 company
Business Engineer
Fortune 50 company
I began working with Airi at a time when I wasn’t confident in speaking up and didn’t know how to have better conversations. She speaks well and is like a role model for me. My pitch, tone and conversation flow have improved and I’m more confident stepping into interviews. She is someone to look towards on how to speak well and professionally.


English Teacher
I’ve worked with professionals from some wonderful organizations

Get started with one of my courses

Talk the Small Talk

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed when it comes to making meaningful connections in professional settings? You're not alone! This course covers techniques to confidently engage in conversations, ask the right questions, and adapt your message to your audience so you can excel in professional environments and social interactions. 

Coming soon

The latest from my blog 

Strategically Prepare for IELTS, TOEIC, and TOEFL: A Systematic App...

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